Refund Policy

  • At Techdizy, we aim to provide transparency and clarity regarding payments and refunds. Please read the following policy carefully before initiating any transactions with us.

    Web Design Services

    Payments for custom web design projects are structured in phases for your convenience. Once a payment or deposit is made, it is considered final and non-refundable. In the event of cancellation or postponement of a project, all payments made up to that point will be retained by Techdizy. If additional work has been completed beyond the payments made, the client will be invoiced for the remaining balance.

    eCommerce & Web Development Services

    Payments for eCommerce and custom web development projects follow the same phased structure. Payments or deposits are non-refundable once made. Should a project be cancelled or delayed, all payments already received will be retained. Any additional work completed beyond the received amount will require payment by the client.

    Chargebacks & Payment Disputes

    • If a chargeback or payment dispute is initiated through a credit card provider or bank, the associated service or project will be immediately suspended without prior notice.
    • A Rs 9999 chargeback fee (to cover processing costs) and any outstanding balances resulting from the chargeback must be settled in full before services are reinstated, project files are delivered, or further work is resumed.
    • Submitting a chargeback for a legitimate charge is considered fraudulent and is not an acceptable way to request a refund. We encourage clients to contact us directly to resolve any billing concerns amicably.

    Policy Violations

    Techdizy reserves the right to suspend or terminate a user’s account if found in violation of our terms and conditions. Please note: Accounts terminated due to policy violations are not eligible for refunds.

    We believe in maintaining clear communication and mutual respect. For questions or concerns regarding billing or refunds, please contact us directly before making a payment. Thank you for choosing Techdizy!




H-4, Nahar Road, near Tammana Palace, Chak Nagar Second, Manjhanpur, Uttar Pradesh 212207

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